Woodstock Museum 13th Annual
Film Festival 2012
Labor Day Weekend: Aug. 31-Sept. 3



Woodstock Museum 13th Annual FREE Film Festival Labor Day Weekend

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Movies, music, light show with Jim C., bonfire, and Q & A with visiting filmmakers on the theme “ACTIVE”,
a 13th annual celebration set under the stars and simultaneously in two theaters opens Friday, August 31st at Woodstock Museum,
13 (Charles) Bach Rd., Saugerties, NY. The festival will kick off with a live opening ceremony with Butterfly Woman, Maraleen Manos-Jones.
The movies will be shown every evening of Labor Day Weekend, Friday August 31 through Monday September 3, starting at 7:30 PM.

Those attending the Woodstock Museum tours in the afternoons from noon till 4PM are welcome to stay, picnic and dine at the Woodstock Museum café with homemade refreshments, many of them organic, until the evening celebration begins at 7:30 PM. Accomodations for camping are available.
Full schedule: www.WoodstockMuseum.org  or call 845 246-0600.
Directions are at http://www.woodstockmuseum.com/directions.html or GPS Woodstock Museum.

All are welcome to bring instruments. Handicapped accessible.


7:30 PM Opening ceremony with Butterfly Woman, Maraleen Manos-Jones.

8: 27 PM  Interlopers Dance to the environment – organic and inorganic. Diamond Dance Co.

8:30 PM  reimagiNATION  Feature film work-in-progress revisits the 60s and brings us to the now.
Fast paced. Image abundant. Contemporary issues highlighted. Q & A with filmmaker John Winer.

10 PM Parachute  Unconditionally there for each other. Diamond Dance short. Q  & A with Linda Diamond.

10:15 Outdoor light show with Jim C. , drum circle, music, bonfire & café.


Noon-4PM Woodstock Museum tours at 13 Charles Bach Road, Saugerties, NY 12477. Reliving that Woodstock moment, the festival,
the town and the notion. Its contemporary place in history as shown in our movie HIPSTORY™.

7:30 PM   A Dancer’s View of Calder’s Universe  Diamond Dance short.

7:33 PM   Skiff   Short trailer on the history of boatbuilding featuring masterful Cherubini yachts. Q & A with Tim Loretangeli.

8 PM  The Work of 1000   A small town woman activist negotiates with politicians and a polluting corporation to restore a river in Massachusetts.

8:30 PM Outdoor light show with Jim C. , drum circle, music, bonfire & café.
8:40 PM  House of Fun   Diamond Dance Co. short.

8:42 PM  Ben’s Morning  A depressed but talented hair stylist screws up his job and loses his only friend while eviction looms.
Will imagination rescue him? by Tsyen Shen. 10 min. 30 sec. Q & A with Tsyen Shen.

9:11 PM   9 Eleven   Fast paced Bollywood  thriller about 10 people mysteriously kidnapped by a terrorist.
The question is how does one survive collectively in meeting this growing phenomenon.......head on?  
Q & A with actress Jyoti Singh. Sadhna Mathur & JMD Creations.


Noon-4PM Woodstock Museum tours at 13 Charles Bach Road, Saugerties, NY 12477.
Reliving that Woodstock moment, the festival, the town and the notion.
Its contemporary place in history as shown in our movie HIPSTORY™.

7 :30 PM  Skiff    A trailer about the making of beautiful yachts. Q & A with Tim Loretangeli.

8 PM  Ordinary Miracles: The Photo League’s N.Y   The life and times of this legendary
organization of amateur and professional photographers. 75 minutes. Daedalus Productions.

8:30 PM Outdoor light show with Jim C. , drum circle, music, bonfire & café.

 9:30 PM  War On Health-the FDA’s Cult of Tyranny   Betraying its founding mandate to insure drug,
food & chemical safety in the interests of public health, the FDA  today is a repressive bureaucracy serving
pharmaceutical and agricultural greed & profits. Written & Directed by Gary Null.


Noon-4PM Woodstock Museum tours at 13 Charles Bach Road, Saugerties, NY.
Reliving that Woodstock moment, the festival, the town and the notion.
Its contemporary place in history as shown in our movie HIPSTORY™.

7:30 PM  Subway Services Rituals from  the Church of the New York City Subway.
Neon animation. Philip Dacey & Jack Feldstein 1 min.  Q & A with Jack Feldstein.

7:50 PM Pastry Trailer on  a famous New York bakery. Q & A with Tim Loretangeli.

8 PM Love, Reality & The Time of Transition sheds light into the nature of love, relationships,
the “New Age” movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it
all relates to the topics of “conspiracy theories”, psychopathy, and the importance of esoteric self-work. by Bernhard Guenther.

8:30 PM Outdoor light show with Jim C., drum circle, music, bonfire & café.

9:30 PM Girl Walk// All Day In classical ballet class, dancer (Anne Marsen) hears a different beat and takes to the street with dancing feet.
Q & A with actress/filmmaker Anne Marsen.

CONTACT: Shelli Lipton, Dir. or Nathan Koenig, Pres. 845 246-9995


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This page was updated on August 28th, 2023

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